Fiber Society Officers

Caroline Schauer, Drexel University

Meifang ZhuDonghua University

Emilie DreanENSISA

Ian Hardin, University of Georgia

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2024 Membership Dues and New Member Instructions

Current Fiber Society Members:  Click on the MEMBER LOGIN button on the menu bar at the top of this page.  Enter your username (email address) and password to login.  Once you are logged into the site, click on the Pay Dues button on the menu bar to pay your 2024 annual membership dues.

New Members: Click on the the blue "Become a Fiber Society Member" below. Follow the instructions to complete your website account profile. When done, continue to the member login page, where you will login and proceed to pay your membrership dues.

Become a Fiber Society Member


Member News

Fall  2024 Fibers Society Conference Information

- Call for Papers

- Abstract Template

- Submit Abstract


- NEW Fiber Society contact information

- NEW JOB LISTING:  Department of Human Centered Design, Cornell University, seeks full-time department chairperson.
Click here for details.

- A reminder:  The Fiber Society is now included in ASTM Committee D 13 on Textiles “Related Links” list []  ASTM Committee D13 was formed in 1914 and currently comprises 561 members.  The group has jurisdiction over 364 standards, which are published in the “Annual Book of ASTM Standards,” Volumes 7.01 and 7.02.

Call for Abstract Submissions


2024 Fiber Society Fall Conference Call For Papers

Looking Ahead: Future Conferences

PLEASE NOTE:  Due to circumstances beyond the control of The Fiber Society, conference venues, dates, etc. are subject to change/modification.

Fall 2024 Conference
ENSISA–Université de Haute-Alsace
Mulhouse, France
Dr. Emilie Dréan, Dr. Frédéric Heim, Dr. Floriane Leclinche, Co-chairs
October 23–25, 2024
Theme: Come to Where the Future of Fibers Is

Spring 2025 Conference
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong
Dr. Dahua Shou, Chair
May 21–23, 2025
Theme: Future Fibers for Wellbeing, Intelligence, and Sustainability