Abstract Submission

Click Here to download the Abstract Template.  

Submissions must be in the proper Word document format per the Abstract Template download and uploaded from the abstract submission form below.  We will not accept emailed abstracts. 

Conference Description, Presentation Opportunity, and Disclaimers


Abstract Submission Instructions: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

Terms and Conditions for Abstract Submission



·       Submissions must include the name and contact information (e.g., email address, affiliation) for the individual who will make the presentation at the conference (the “Presenter”).

·         Submissions made by someone else on behalf of the Presenter (for example, a student or administrative assistant on behalf of a professor) must include information for the Presenter, not for the person making the submission. 


·         All submissions must be made online at the meeting website, in accordance with the guidelines and template provided there.  Confirmation that the abstract was submitted successfully is generally automatically sent by the website to the Presenter’s email address. If such confirmation is not received, please contact Ms. Pam Gabriel (pam.fibersociety@gmail.com). Do NOT submit a second time until Pam has responded, usually within 24 hrs.  Submission by email will NOT be accepted.    


·         Only one submission for oral presentation and one submission for poster presentation is permitted per Presenter.  Co-authors may be listed on any number of submissions.  Any change or substitution of Presenter after the paper has been accepted for presentation must be confirmed in writing by the meeting organizers.  All abstracts submitted for presentation as oral and poster must be substantially different.  Only abstracts accepted and presented as oral or posters will be included in the Book of Abstracts.

By submitting an abstract, the Authors affirm that—at minimum—the designated presenter who will deliver the paper shall●  register at the appropriate rate,●  attend the conference, and●  be present on the day and at the time assigned in the conference program.  

In the event a paper submitted for oral presentation is accepted but subsequently  scheduled as a poster presentation by the Organizer, the Authors have the option to withdraw the paper.

In all cases, whether for an oral or a poster presentation, a single member of that "team" shall be identified as the sole point of contact (PoC). The PoC is the only person authorized to communicate with The Fiber Society on behalf of their team with respect to●  naming co-authors eligible to register at the “co-author” rate,●  relaying any decision to withdraw a paper due to its acceptance (only) as a poster.

     By submitting (or allowing to be submitted) an abstract for presentation as oral or poster, the Presenter agrees to attend the conference and present at the day and time assigned in the conference program, and to pay the necessary registration for meeting participation.  Only the designated Presenter is allowed the speaker/presenter conference registration fee. All other individuals associated with the submission, including co-authors, must pay at the appropriate rate for non-presenters.  The only exception to this term is in the event a paper submitted for oral presentation is accepted but scheduled as a poster presentation, the Presenter has the option to withdraw the paper.


     A Guest is anyone (for example, a spouse or family member) who accompanies a registered conference attendee but does not participate in the technical sessions. The Guest is welcomed in the social activities, including breaks, lunches, receptions, and the banquet. Guests are not permitted to attend any of the session presentations. An exception will be made to attend the presentation by the affiliated attendee..

If you are the Presenter and  have read and understood the Terms and Conditions, please select "I am the presenter and agree to the Terms and Conditions" in the abstract submission form below.If you are not the Presenter, but are confirming on behalf of the Presenter that he or she has read and understood these Terms and Conditions, and that he or she agrees to abide by them, please select "I am not the presenter and agree to the Terms and Conditions" in the abstract submission form below.

Submit Abstract