Fiber Society Officers

Caroline Schauer, Drexel University

Meifang ZhuDonghua University

Emilie DreanENSISA

Ian Hardin, University of Georgia

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Member News

Fall  2024 Fibers Society Conference Information

- Call for Papers

- Conference Program

- Registration Rates

- Register to Attend

- Hotels - Lodging

- Transportation Information

- NEW Fiber Society contact information

- NEW JOB LISTING:  Department of Human Centered Design, Cornell University, seeks full-time department chairperson.
Click here for details.

- A reminder:  The Fiber Society is now included in ASTM Committee D 13 on Textiles “Related Links” list []  ASTM Committee D13 was formed in 1914 and currently comprises 561 members.  The group has jurisdiction over 364 standards, which are published in the “Annual Book of ASTM Standards,” Volumes 7.01 and 7.02.

In Memoriam

George A.M. “Tony” Butterworth died January 14, 2024, after a long illness. Dr. Butterworth joined The Fiber Society in 1966. He served the Society in many capacities: on the Governing Council, as vice-president in 1980, and as president in 1981. He was a presence at Fiber Society conferences over many years.

Tony is remembered for his intellect, his curiosity, his resourcefulness, his energy, and his humor. Those of us who knew him and had the pleasure of his company will long remember him for all those attributes and for the personal one-on-one memories of time well spent with Tony. His is an enduring legacy; he will be missed.




Learn About The Fiber Society

The Fiber Society is incorporated as a not-for-profit professional and scientific association, dedicated to the advancement of knowledge pertaining to fibers, fiber-based products, and fibrous materials. The Society comprises individuals who are chemists, physicists, engineers and designers with interests in the field of fiber science engineering and technology.

The Society came about in the early 1940s, as chronicled in our archives. Having developed a relationship with a small group of physicists engaged in textile research, Dr. K. L. Hertel, head of the Department of Physics, University of Tennessee, acted upon the idea that “… a great deal of common benefit might accrue through a separate and informal get-together of these physicists having interests and problems in common.” On a Wednesday morning in late May 1941, seven like-minded men joined Hertel for the first meeting of the soon-to-be-named Industrial Fiber Society, the organization that later came to be known as The Fiber Society.

In a discussion that was later characterized as “thoroughly scientific,” Dr. S. L. Gerhard (U. S. Rubber); Dr. W. J. Lyons (Southern Regional Laboratory); Dr. F. P. Morningstar (West Point Manufacturing Company); Dr. F. B. Breazeale (Enka Rayon Corporation); Dr. R. R. Sullivan (Physics Department, University of Tennessee); Mr. J. P. Elting (Kendall Mills); and Mr. J. J. Such (Kendall Mills) joined Dr. Hertel for the “worthwhile objective of … getting together for the discussion of scientific aspects of textile problems … .” True to Hertel’s vision, the small group of men spent all of that first day discussing in considerable detail a wide range of issues and problems related to fibers and yarns, instrumentation, manufacturers’ needs with regard to fiber properties, and other related subjects.

The second day followed in the same vein, with presentations and discussions on contemporary issues. At the end of the 2-day meeting, those attending remarked that “in their joint opinion, … the meeting was most successful and well worth the time expended,” and it was agreed to meet again later that same year. So concluded the first “Meeting of Textile Physicists,” as J. P. Elting and J. J. Such entitled their account of that initial gathering in May 1941. Twice-yearly technical conferences are to the present time a mainstay to the Society’s mission. Since that beginning, the Fiber Society has continued to embrace those founding concepts, striving to lead the way in an industry that is continually evolving. Once a year, the Society presents its Founder’s Award, which acknowledges a member whose outstanding contributions to the science and technology of fibers, fibrous materials, and fiber-based products reflect the vision of our founders. The awardee chooses to accept the award in the name of one of the founders.

The Society sponsors a popular Lectureship program at selected U. S. colleges and universities. The goal is to acquaint faculty and students with the scientific challenges and opportunities in fiber science and to provide insights into current research.

With its Graduate Student Paper Competition, the Fiber Society encourages student participation in the Society and continued study and research in the field.

Ours is a truly international membership; Society members represent numerous and wide-ranging academic and industrial settings. Many are graduate students, just beginning their careers in a fast-changing discipline and industry.

Membership in The Fiber Society means different things to different people. But everyone benefits, thanks to the broad and encompassing range of interests and research our members bring to the Society. Our goal is to expand, extend, and share the knowledge — to hold firm to Dr. Hertel’s vision.

 January 2015